Atelier Imago
Imago Inc. is a not-for-profit, artist-run print studio. Imago’s mandate is to facilitate, promote and disseminate contemporary printmaking.
Imago is a production center devoted to the continued development and dissemination of contemporary printmaking. The centre offers its members, guests, and visiting artists a research facility as well as a functional studio, while maintaining programming which reflects the ever changing world of contemporary printmaking.
In addition to offering a laboratory for creation and experimentation, Imago entices artists from other disciplines to explore the many facets of contemporary printmaking through workshops, conferences, artist residency programs and interdisciplinary creation initiatives. In adopting such programming, Imago strives to distance printmaking from its perceived traditional reputation and to elevate it amid present day art.
Imago’s members and visiting artists pride themselves in producing works that step out of the conservative, framed, two-dimensional print. Such works explore new possibilities such as paper engineering and installation, while researching and utilizing new and unconventional supports.
Through its initiatives, Imago ventures outside the comfort of its own four walls, to not only promote the works produced on a local, provincial and national scale, but also to bring awareness to the viewing public of the possibilities that contemporary printmaking has to offer. The center is also very focused on promoting and supporting promising young artists.
Since 1996, Imago has been offering a yearly bursary to graduate students at either University of Moncton or Mount Allison University in Sackville. Additionally, workshops are held in elementary and middle schools to promote, educate and demystify printmaking in order to reach the next generation of emerging printmakers. Such strategies are proving effective, as a large number of their membership, board of directors, and volunteers are under the age of 35.

Imago was founded in 1986 and incorporated in 1992 by eleven southeastern New-Brunswick artists: Jacques Arseneault, Gillian Bond, David Bobier, Herménégilde Chiasson, Francis Coutellier, Marie Lucie Crépeau, Daniel Dugas, Will Kelly, Nancy Morin, Ginette Savoie and Barbara Symington.
Through their avant-garde programming, their tireless promotion of unique events, and their ability to engage the viewing public, Imago has become an important instrument for the development and advancement of regional and Atlantic artists. For over 20 years now, Imago has remained true to its original vision while maintaining an awareness of the needs of its members as well as staying on top of the discipline’s transforming practices.
Imago has been under the management of Magda Mujica (1990-1992), Heather Oke (1992-1994), Benoît Dugas (1994-1995), Daniel Dugas (1995-1996), Mélita Richardson (1997-1999), Isabelle Lagacé (1999-2000) and Jennifer Bélanger (2000-present). The center is located in the Aberdeen Cultural Centre, a cooperative comprised of art galleries, artist-run centers, a dance school, a publishing house and artist studios.
Jennifer Bélanger, director
Address: Centre culturel Aberdeen, 140, rue Botsford, suite 35, Moncton (NB) E1C 4X5
Telephone: (506) 388-1431
Fax: (506) 857-2064
E-mail: [email protected]
Jacques Arseneault
“I’ve always been fascinated by the power of words, which in my own universe, contain both text and images. At the root of each of my works, therefore, there are words. From these words, I find the images for my works. Then a game is born from this reconciliation between the visual elements and the written word.
My work seeks to ascertain which part of this game is a result of chance and which comes from destiny. These are the issues that have led me to explore subjects such as orphans, identical twins and genetics. One point ties all of these themes together: man is constantly subject to the whim of chance of destiny.”
Jacques Arseneault received a Masters of Education in Fine Arts (maîtrise en éducation des arts plastiques) from Université de Paris VIII in 1980, after having already completed a baccalauréat in visual arts at the University of Moncton. In 1981, he took a position as professor of visual arts at the University of Moncton, assuming responsibility of printmaking courses.
His solo and collective exhibitions include Quoi faire? Quoi dire?, a touring exhibition organized by the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia in 1988 in Atlantic Canada and the province of Québec. Mr. Arsenault has also participated in the national traveling exhibition, “Young Contemporaries,” organized by the London Regional Art Gallery in 1987-88.
Mr. Arsenault is one of the founding members of the Imago, Inc. studio, an artist center with a mission of producing, promoting distributing contemporary printmaking art in Moncton.
Jacques Arseneault, Atelier Imago
Address: Centre culturel Aberdeen 140, rue Botsford, Moncton (NB)
E1C 4X5
Telephone: (506) 382-3872
E-mail: [email protected]
Jennifer Bélanger
Artist statement
I once genuinely hated a girl named Annie because she had an extensive eraser collection. I have an embarrassing fascination with the boy band B4-4 and have always thought that if hair was meant to keep me warm, I should have some on my nose and forehead.
Obsessed with order and past misdeeds, I spend most of my time, collecting, organizing, re-organizing and editing my belongings, my work and my memory.
My current preoccupations involve public speaking, print-based installation and paper engineering, exploring such subjects as friendshipology, deceitology, guiltology and wrathology.
There is a certain amount of tension in these paintings and if we were ever magically transported into one of them we would undoubtedly suffer a wonderful but horrific experience.
“Childhood. It’s a jungle. There are the popsicles, the tree climbing, new bicycles, finding kittens, sharing toys with your friends, but there is also the name-calling, bloodied noses, skinned knees, and that creepy kid down the street who just won’t leave you alone. Jennifer Bélanger remembers these things. She makes art about them. Jennifer Bélanger remembers these things. She makes art about them.”
Mario Doucette curator of Acadie Monde
“I am recently very interested in the accidental observer rather than the gallery goer. When you find or see something new on your way to work or school, it alters your day. It is remarkable to see art making appearances in unexpected places, regardless of it being recognized as such.”
Karen Ruet Chronicle Herald
Jennifer Bélanger
Centre culturel Aberdeen
Address: 140, rue Botsford, suite 35 Moncton (NB) E1C 4X5
Telephone: (506) 388-1431
E-mail: [email protected]